Day 19: Get Ripped Now!

summer-bodies-made-in-winterOk ok…so it’s not quite winter yet…at least not in Florida. But why wait till it’s cold out and we’ve already put on the holiday weight to start makes strides towards our summer body?

Why not start working on ripped abs now, make smart eating choices, and be closer to our goal when it’s really crunch time?

This is my favorite ab day in October! Lots of fun exercises that keep us moving and keep our core engaged…let’s do this Crew!

Day 19 exercises: Abs – 3 sets of 15

****Click here for how to videos****

  • Sharon’s Walk Down Plank
  • Lower Body Russian Twist
  • Standing Side Crunch
  • In and Outs
  • Bedtime Plank
  • Stretch! – 7 Key Stretches for Runners

Bonus: Ripped Abs  screen-shot-2016-10-19-at-5-37-44-am

This looks challenging…who’s up for it? Take your time and get through each move. Just 1 set of this extra workout Crew you got this!

Extra Credit: Sore legs after yesterday? That means you worked hard! Extra credit today…1 minute wall sit. Yea…it’s gonna hurt…do it anyway! 😉

Speed Work: Courtney CRUSHED her speed mile challenge yesterday. Who else has a fast mile coming today? Let’s see it!

Workout – Mile “bench mark” run We want to see how fast you can run 1 mile, and I also want to show you how going faster is possible for you!. Make sure you are well rested and have fresh legs then go out and do a 1-2 mile warm up, rest for a few minutes, then run with your heart and do a mile as fast as you can. Cool down with 1 more mile then call it a day. 3-4 miles total. I want to see some super fast for you miles Crew! Do your warm up and cool down miles as slow as you want. All I want to see if that 1 mile time. Have fun with it and surprise yourself with how fast you can go!

November Challenge: I’ll keep reminding you about this as we inch closer to November because I’m thinking about next month challenge and new exercises! Jan and Sharon shared their favorites with me last month and they have gone over really well with our Crew! Maybe you take a class and have a favorite move, maybe you saw it on a video somewhere, maybe it’s just a go to move you love! Video yourself doing your favorite exercise or if you’re shy find a video or good explantation of how to do it then send it to me. Being a part of the month’s exercise line up makes you feel even more part of our Crew and gives you an extra reason to push harder! Show me what you’ve got!

Don’t wait till winter is over and you have LOTS of work to do. Do something TODAY that your future self will than you for! And remember Crew…don’t spoil all that hard work by eating crap!

Make it a great Wednesday! 🙂



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